Gym management system with online store in India

Listen up gym owners, this gym membership management system is a real game changer! It can save you a ton of time and hassle by automating tasks like member sign-ups, billing, and class schedule.

Are you a personal trainer or own a Gym or fitness health club, a yoga studio, or a Zumba studio? then you need a management system to manage its day-to-day work and member management.

Plus, you can communicate with your members more easily by sending out reminders and notifications.

Not to mention, it’ll give you a better handle on your finances by tracking payments, attendance, and revenue trends. And let’s not forget, you can offer different membership options and keep track of attendance and revenue. And for the added bonus, it’ll keep member information secure.

The bottom line, a membership management system can help you run your gym like a boss!

You can schedule classes, suggest nutrition plans for each user, and even schedule and run online zoom classes. Find the full features below.

Gym membership management system

It’s a complete online platform to manage your personal training or a complete management system for your gym with advanced features.

How does it work?

The gym management system can be installed on your own website on your own domain.

Users can access it via a laptop, desktop, tablet, or any mobile device online.

Here are the advantages of the system

  • Increased efficiency: With this gym membership management system, gym owners can automate tasks such as member sign-ups, billing, and class schedule, which can save a significant amount of time and resources.
  • Improved member engagement: Nutrition and workout plans and trainer assignments for each member. This gym membership management system allows gym owners to communicate with members more effectively, for example by sending automated reminders or notifications about upcoming classes and events.
  • Better financial management: Gym owners can use a membership management system to track member payments, monitor attendance, and analyze revenue trends, which can help them make more informed business decisions.
  • Greater flexibility: Gym membership management system allows gym owners to offer different membership options, such as multiple pricing plans, easily manage the different subscriptions, and also track attendance and revenue.
  • Increased security: Gym membership management systems can help gym owners keep sensitive member information secure by storing it in a centralized database.

A perfect system for GYM and personal trainer

As a personal trainer, you can manage your fitness plans, and run your classes online with direct integration using ZOOM online classes.

Not only this, there are more advanced fitness management activities this system can do for you.

online gym and fitness management system
online gym and fitness management system

Gym management system features

All in one responsive advanced dashboard

  • Quick view of important modules in one place for you to access
  • Advanced dashboard with all user activity on the calendar
  • Access and manage all the reports
Best gym management system with online fitness training
Best gym management system with online fitness training

Gym and fitness membership module

  • Admin can define different gym membership plans
  • Gym membership price management
  • You can set a membership period for each plan
  • You can view and manage the activity reports of each user

User management module

  • Different types of users Admin, Staff members, Accountants, and Groups
  • User membership payments, class schedule, attendance
  • User membership reports with body measurements report overtime
  • Membership subscription reports
Best gym user management system with QR attendance and class schedule and reports
Best gym user management system with QR attendance and class schedule and reports

Class schedule management

  • You can add, schedule, book, etc
  • Assign staff to a different class
  • Weekly daily class schedule

Gym member module

  • Record the complete details of the gym member
  • Record vital measurements for each member
  • Keep track of the member’s physical statics
  • Member’s QR code to take attendance

Virtual online zoom class management

  • You can schedule a virtual class and assign them to a staff member
  • Zoom class configuration with a start date, time, and login credentials
  • You can start each class from within the dashboard

Gym attendance module

  • Gym member attendance management
  • Staff members can easily record the gym attendance
  • Gym attendance by QR code scan by staff mobile
  • Class-by-class attendance reports

Workout module for admin

  • Trainers can create workout schedules for members
  • Option assign day-by-day workouts to members
  • Option to add sets, reps, and weights for each workout
  • Workout reports management

Workout module for members

  • Members can view assigned workouts for each day
  • Members can log their daily workouts at the gym
  • The trainer can manage and view members’ daily workout activity

Nutrition schedule module

  • Admin can assign each members day by day nutrition plan
  • SMS feature to notify the schedule to member

Nutrition and equipment online store

  • You can list all your available products
  • Users can view and order products online

Payment module

  • Admin can set the tax rates for the products and services
  • You can record the payment manually if a member paid in cash
  • You can edit the payment and send an SMS notification to members
  • Membership payment report

Gym reservation module

  • Members can book reserver a specific time in advance
  • Admin and staff can view the reservations
  • Reservation reports

Advanced reporting module with downloads

  • Membership report
  • Attendance report
  • Membership status report
  • Income report
  • Expense report
  • Membership payment report
  • Product sales report

Subscription history

  • Membership subscription history

SMS configuration settings

  • Bulk SMS integration

Access rights setting

  • Restrict access by view, add, edit and delete for users
  • Restrict or allow access to different modules by user role
  • Admins have full access right to the system

You can have the above gym management system installed on yur website

The gym management system can be installed on your website, if you do not have a website we can build a gym, fitness club, personal training, or yoga website with the management system.

With the help of this gym management system, you can easily manage your personal training, gym, yoga studio, zumba studio member management an easy task.

Contact now to get a demo

Contact us now so we can schedule a gym management system online demo for you.

If you need help with the gym management system

Contact us now we will send you a quote for the system to manage your gym and personal training.

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